Cream Herring Dish

There is this traditional (northern) German dish. It’s a dish with steaming hot salt potatoes (peeled or not) served with a cold ‘herring salad’ or ‘cream herring’. It used to be a ‘poor people’s’ dish, but those times are long since gone and all sorts of poor people’s food has become quite popular, also because […]

Kenwood Cooking Chef – A Magic Monster I didn’t have a kitchen machine/food processor/mixer for years, but have wanted one for a long time. No room, no justification for the expense as a student etc. However, last year, after having handed in my PhD I thought I deserve a REAL treat. Like one, that will […]

Kasseler Bread

Very delicious this one. And the first yeast-bread I somewhat mastered! It is soooooooo good!!! I started making this without a mixer, so it is possible, the ‘Krume’ as it is called in German – the stuff inside the crust, will not turn out as flexible and homogenous if you make it by hand, but […]

Knäckebröd - 3rd trial

A third attempt, this time with longer baking and some more learned details. Just a reminder –  I read on the English Wikipedia that the old way of making Knäckebröd – Knäckebrot in German and Swedish Crisp Bread in English was with crushed ice or snow. All modern versions I found would be with yeast. […]

Knäckebröd close-up

Yes, I looked that up, but I’m not sure if ‘the old bread’ (þe awld brēad) is actually old English, but it was certainly closer than ‘ye olde bread’. Either way – it’s a Swedish dish anyway and I had fun looking that up 😉 Also, I’m really busy at the moment with some things, […]

I love chocolate. I always have and regard it as one of the wonderful treats we can have through the interwoven world we live in today. I will mainly focus on chocolate here, but much applies to other food things. I once researched into the traditional use of the cocoa products in the context of […]

Rhubarb Cashew Cream Cake

This is a plant-product only (vegan) cake. It resembles a cheese cake, but while I had the intention to make it somewhat resemble so we can have a nice cake as dessert after dinner, I wanted something that is just very yummy in its own right. Plant-only food is like that, if you know how […]

Red Velvet Cake V Cake Cut

It took some time, but good things take a while as a German phrase goes. I was busy – REALLY busy. But now I am getting closer to a final recipe YAY!!! Thus, I have, for the first time, baked an entire cake. And I still get my red tinge, faint, but there. However, it […]

Pantry moths, food moths, Indian meal moth, whichever name they go by in your place – you don’t want them. At all. Ever. We recently had an infestation and that kept me super busy for more than 4 weeks. There was nothing I could do about it, since my housemates just never had them and […]

Autumn Maple Pecan Kiss

So busy I was, I couldn’t post, part of it because we had a pest infestation, which took weeks to clear. Not pleasant, but I will dwell on this later – it’s solved now for good it seems. However, I also loaned my ‘Monster‘ to a friend who was instantly convinced she needed ‘something’ like […]